Chronic Yeast and Bacterial Infections

Chronic vaginal yeast and bacterial infections clinically know as vaginitis and vulvovaginitis are among the most common reason women visit their gynecologists outside of their annual. In fact yeast and bacterial vaginal infections are 6 times more likely than a urinary tract infection (UTI). But what exactly is a vaginal infection, why do they occur and what can we do about them?

Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms

The most common vaginal infections I see in my naturopathic practice are yeast and bacterial (also know as bacterial vaginitis or BV). Differentiating between the two infections can often be confusing for many women. What complicates things even more is that often the vaginal discharge the women are seeing is completely normal. Here is a quick way to determine if what you are experiencing down there is due to yeast or bacteria

vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal Yeast Infection

  • Itching: can be quite severe and is often the primary symptom

  • Discharge: thick, curdy or “cottage cheese” discharge. No odor

Bacterial Vaginitis (BV)

  • Typically no itch but occasionally irritation

  • Discharge: Non-irritating, grey and sometimes frothy, thick or pasty. The hallmark of BV discharge is a fish, foul or rotten odor due to the production of the amines by anaerobic bacteria.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of yeast (Candida albicans) and bacterial vaginitis is due to bacteria usually Gardnerella vaginalis.  As a naturopathic doctor I’m less concerned about the actually pathogenic agent and more concerned about what allowed the patogen to flourish and continue to flourish is the first place.  Here are the true causes of chronic yeast and bacterial vaginal infections I have commonly found in my naturopathic practice

  • Antibiotic use: Especially frequent use often associated with chronic urinary tract infections alters both intestinal and vaginal ecology favoring the growth of Candida and other bacteria.

  • Hormonal changes: fluctuations in hormones particularly dips in estrogen as women near menopause or their period can change the pH of the vagina. When the pH of the vagina becomes more basic meaning increases the vaginal environment is more favorable for the growth of yeast and undesirable bacteria like Gardnerella vaginalis.

  • Hormonal Birth Control: the pill can contribute to hormonal changes leading to pH shifts.

  • Diet and Lifestyle: Once again we can blame the standard American diet (SAD) for another health condition. The biggest offenders to our healthy balance of vaginal flora are sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol as they alter pH, impair immune function, and affect the growth of beneficial flora.

  • Semen, saliva and personal lubricants: can alter vaginal pH and introduce compounds for opportunistic bacteria and yeast to eat and flourish.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Natural Treatments

  • Diet: while you have an active vaginal infection whether it be caused by yeast or bacteria it is important to avoid foods that impair immune function and provide food for the unwanted invaders.  The biggest obstacle to your recovery from a vaginal yeast infection is sugar whether is comes from sweets or the rapid release of sugars from refined carbohydrates.  Sugar both reduces immune function and provides yeast and bacteria what it needs to thrive.  The other top dietary offenders include alcohol, dairy, refined carbohydrates and sometimes gluten and grains.

  • Suppositories: I often recommend suppositories that contain anti-fungal and anti-bacterial herbs and nutrients such as tea tree, borax, vitamin E, and goldenseal that gently combat invasive bacteria and yeast.

  • Probiotics: both internally and vaginally bringing in the right beneficial flora is important in fighting an active vaginal infection and preventing them in the future. My favorite vaginal loving strains are Lactobacillus reuteri, rhamnosus and planetarum.

Want to get rid of chronic yeast infections and BV naturally? Then schedule a naturopathic appointment with Dr Ivy.

Is Naturopathic Telemedicine effective for chronic yeast and bacterial infections?

Absolutely! Even before the pandemic Dr Ivy has offered virtual appointments to patients for various reasons including international and out-of-state patients, patients with small children, patients with mobility or transportation issues and patients preferring the convenience of having their appointments from their home or office.  These patients have been able to achieve the same results as Dr Ivy’s in-office patients as Dr Ivy uses:

  • A HIPAA compliant electronic medical records system called CHARM

    • Patients can upload past diagnostic and blood work as well as recommend additional testing including the DUTCH test for review.

    • Uses a private and secure version of Zoom.

  • An online Dispensary for patients to easily order physician grade herbs and nutrients that are quickly delivered to the patient.